Hello all! How was your Christmas? Mine was wonderful. I always love spending time with the fam and going through various Christmas festivities. But I have to say that I am glad some of it is over with. With the last remains of Christmas leftovers desposed of tonight, it feels that its all over with until next year. I am REALLY glad that the before Christmas rush in retail is over with. At Family Christian, work has seemed to settle down and not be so rushed, which is great! Now it's back to normal, or as normal as things can be in Christian retail.
I was very pleased with my Christmas gifts this year. Mom and Dad really surprised me this year. I got a flat-screen 32 inch tv that is now hanging on my wall in my room. Its really cool. I didn't even ask for that, but they felt I needed it in my room...which I am not complaining. I also got a DVD player that wasn't working properly (perhaps due to the fact that it was an off-brand player) so Dad is going to return it tomorrow. I got some new dress shirts and ties. I also got a pair of sunglasses and that Bible I wanted (The Message). Overall I had a wonderful Christmas.
Well, I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. Have a happy New Years all!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The After-Christmas Update
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7:26 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Watching, Reading, Listening To (12/5/06)
Ok, so I stole the title and idea from my friend Jamie Cole.
Lately I have been wanting to blog about some things I have been watching, reading, and listening to. So here it goes:
Watching - I rented a few movies this weekend for my viewing pleasure. Among the titles were:
The DaVinci Code - Ok, before some of you freak out, keep in mind that this is PURELY FICTION! Yes, it does undermine Christianity and the divinity of Christ, but I believe that if you are a true Christian, that you shouldnt be worried about this. Although I am very concerned that unbelievers will take this as truth. It is not. It is pure gnosticism.
Little Man - Yet another funny Wayans Brothers film. Although it could've done without some of its perverted moments. It was pretty funny.
The Producers - I had a few friends over on Friday and we watched it. Although I own this movie, watching it in a group makes it all the more enjoyable. This is in my top fav movies right now. I like it because of it's Broadway caliber songs and stuff, but it also makes a good movie.
I am wanting to watch Chocolat and Moulin Rouge again. I really like musicals. Not in an overly obsessive way, but in a casual way.
Reading - As i've probably said before, I am very ADD when it comes to reading. I somehow seem to find myself reading a few books at a time and then whenever I go to Barnes and Noble or to work (Family Christian) I stumble across something I would like to read.
Blue Like Jazz - One word: WOW! I really like this book. It is just so honest and such. Donald Miller really bears his soul in this book. I would recommend this to everyone who is looking to define their faith and spirituality. After I finally finish reading this, I kind of hope to write a review for it.
The Case for Faith - I really like reading things that Lee Strobel writes. He used to be a journalist and I really like his journalistic approach towards issues he writes about. He lists possible claims why people could not have faith, but then goes behind them and refutes their claims.
The Last Disciple: John's Story - I found this when I was shelving some books in the Left Behind Series. It seems like Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins have yet again written a wonderful novel. This ficticious, yet biblically based, account is the story of how the Apostle John wrote the Gospel according to John as well as 1, 2, and 3 John and Revelation. It is a great story and I have hardly put it down since I started.
Those are just a few I am actually actively reading. I still have some that I have started, but am not actively pursuing. The list goes on...
Listening To - Of recent, I have began to listen to more Christmas tunes and new music.
Awake by Josh Groban - OH MY GOODNESS. I didn't think that he could get any better, but I was wrong. In my opinion, this is his best CD yet and I have most of his CDs. Such songs as "February Song" and "You Are Loved (Don't Let Go)" are sooooooooo good. So good enough that today when I was feeling a bit stressed, I selected "February Song" on my iPod and turned it up to where all I could hear was this and I suddenly felt very mellow and calm.
The Nativity Story: Sacred Songs by Various Artists - Some of my favorite Christmas songs have been arranged in a newer fashion. I think I am going to like the movie The Nativity Story. So far from all I have heard, it looks really good. Such songs as "O Come O Come Emmanuel" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and other "traditional" Christmas songs are on here, but newer Christmas songs, such as "Labor of Love" and "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)" and "The Virgin's Lullaby" are also on here and I like them alot.
U2 - I have recently taking a liking towards them. I know they have been around since the 80s, but I am just now getting into them. I am very musically eclectic and so I always love to hear something new. I like their sound and the messages behind their music. Bono is a pretty cool guy also. He is a great humanitarian and I like what he is doing with his organization (RED) (an organization that takes the proceeds from some (RED) endorsed products and gives the funds to The Global Fund to raise money for anti-retroviral medicines for people suffering with AIDS over in Africa.
Well, it is late, so I think I shall retire. I always appreciate comments and such.
Thanks for reading about my ramblings.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: Listening To, Reading, Watching
Friday, November 24, 2006
Cure for the Lonely Heart...
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7:24 PM
Labels: Love
Now it is suitable for Christmas music to be played...
Well, I hope everyone had a happy turkey day! Mine was good. I spent it with the fam. We had lunch over at my Aunt Peggie's house for my Dad's side of the fam. Afterwards, we went over to Memaw's house for supper with Mom's side of the fam.
Later, I came home and listened to some Christmas music...seeing as NOW it is suitable for Christmas music to be played. Anytime before now is utterly ridiculous in my opinion.
Speaking of Christmastime, beginning this Sunday at Mountaintop we begin our Christmas music in the services and Bill, our pastor, begins a new series leading towards Christmas.
Join us on Sundays now through December 24th as we celebrate the beauty of Christmas. Beauty is found everywhere and this Christmas you may just find it in the most unlikely of places.
We with the Music Team are doing some really cool Christmas tunes that really express Christ's love for us. I really love what God has been doing around Mountaintop. He has really shown up lately and many have began to truely experience God and the love of Christ.
I just listened to an arrangement of We Wish You A Merry Christmas that the Praise Team will be singing a capella one Wednesday night at New Community Worship (I think it is December 6th). It is really cool. It has an amazing choral sound to it. It actually reminds me of something the UAB Choir would sing.
Speaking of choir stuff, I will soon be very busy with JeffState's choirs. Here is a quick rundown of our upcoming performance calendar:
December 5 - Caroling at the Country Club of Birmingham (Chamber Choir) - 5:00 - 7:00
December 6 - Caroling at the Country Club of Birmingham (CC & Yesterday) - "" - ""
December 7 - Full Choir Concert at Bluff Park UMC - (All Choirs) - 7:00 (All are Welcome)
December 8 - Performing for Good Day Alabama at Fox6 Studio - Early
December 9 - Dress Rehearsal for Christmas at the Alys - 7:00
December 10 - Christmas at the Alys - Alys Stephens Center - 2:00 or 3:00*
* I can't remember the exact time; we will be performing with UAB Choirs and others
WHEW!! And the best part about all of this is that the week after all of this, I have final exams! Yay me! ::le sigh::
Well, it is rather late, so I think I shall retire for the evening (seeing as how I have to be up at 5:00 because I have to be at work at 6:00...hooray, it's Black Friday...one of the worst day's in retail..well, it is actually the best day for retail, but not for it's employees). Have a great weekend everyone!
Posted by
1:04 AM
Labels: Music
Friday, November 17, 2006
A Carpe Diem Attitude...
Well, I woke up today with a sense of living today to the fullest of what God has given me to live today. In this Carpe Diem--Seize the Day--Attitude, I think I shall write a blog.
On Wednesday, I started house sitting for my cousins Matt and Lauren while they are gone to Italy for a week (lucky them...). They live over in Homewood and I'll be staying here until Tuesday of next week taking care of their HUGE Chocolate Lab named Caesar. I am muy excitado about this (for those who arent fluid in the Spanish tongue--like I am...yeah right--that means VERY EXCITED!). This is kinda a big step for me. I am going to be completely independent this week (so if you see me a bit disheveled in the coming days, you'll know why). I will have to do my own laundry, cooking, cleaning, write two research papers (one for Old Testament and one for New Testament), sing at a college conference with my fellow JeffState Singers, go to work, go to school, and have a flippin awesome movie night on Sunday (yay!). Like I said, this is a big step for me. It will help me to be more independent and when the day comes for me to move out, I will have a good trial run to go on.
Well, I just wanted to update all of you on my upcoming activities. I got a call from Memaw the other day and she wants me to go to this big art exhibit in Montgomery with her on December 1st. Some of her quilts are going to be on show and she will be demonstrating and stuff. I always like going with her to these things. Did you know that 2007 is supposed to be the year of the arts in Alabama? We'll see what comes of this.
So I think this will do for now as an update on my life. December will be very busy for me...I am kind of looking foward to this, but sort of dreading it in a way. Oh well!
Posted by
2:06 PM
Labels: Travel
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wishing you were somehow here again...
Well, I guess an update is in order.
Things have been good lately. It seems as if I went through a phase there for a while where nothing was going right. My parents almost divorced (which thank God that they are back together and all seems to be well again...i hope), I was close to finding another job (there was some drama about, but things are smashing now!), things just were not good and they were not going the way I wanted them to. But I guess that is life. There are times where we can't always get what we want. But God said that He would never leave me or forsake me. And I am thankful that he has been my rock in hard times. If it were not for Him and his provision, I probably would've broken down through the hard times. I guess it is like a song I've sang before: "Even in the hard times, even when I feel pain, my mind is made up; I'm gonna praise Him anyways."
On another note, I dislike pridefulness. I thought of saying right there that I don't like prideful people, but I like the people, I just don't like it when they are prideful about things. Musicians are the worst. I am sorry to anyone who reads this if I have ever been prideful in any manor towards you. Please forgive me, I'm only human...which I also realize about other people as well. I just feel that I need to write about this. So not to long ago I sat through my first "Ego meeting" (thats EGO, not EGGO--the breakfast food--is that really considered a waffle anymore?). I was sitting there listening to reasons why I should stay in a group that had lost its passion. Or should I say, its passion has become its purpose. What once was a good thing, turned sour. It stopped being passionate about the music and became more focused on money and what not. I guess you could label the reason I am leaving is for "creative differences" or something. No, I take that back. I am leaving because I don't want to pursue a career in that quartet. Now, before you go and jump to conclusions, I would like to state my reasons for leaving this group. I don't care what you say about me because of this. This is just how I feel. My reasons:
1) As stated above, the group lost its passion for the music and the groups purpose (to make money) started to become its passion.
2) As the end of the year approaches, my life becomes more hectic. I dont feel as if I can commit to all the events that the group wants to do (caroling and other "gigs") as well as the bi-weekly practice which I must drive a ways to do so. So timing is an issue for me right now. I sat down this weekend and looked at my calendar and what events I am "booked" for (various choir performances, work events, house sitting for my cousin, getting my wisdom teeth cut out, final exams, church events, singing with the Praise Team, ect.) and I realized that I am will be pretty busy between now and December 17th, not to mention the Christmas season and what that means work-wise (Christmastime is retail's most busy time of year).
3) I really don't like the politics and whatnot within the group. I am tired of hearing that we should try and get someone else to come in the group and replace someone else and people getting upset over stupid things like myspace profiles and business cards and such. I mean come on. Now, I'll admit that at the time I was in on some of the dramatics, but as I look back on that I now realize that it was stupid for me to worry about dumb things like that. Some people (myself included) need to grow up.
Well, enough of my ranting.
On another note, I think I am finally ready to start dating again. I mean, I've always been wanting to date and such, but I think I am at the point to where I am over the hurt that a previous relationship brought on. Yeah, I'll admit at times I still get saddened and longing for what once was (especially if I find a note from her or read our Bible verse or hear our song), but I think I have learned to move on from that. It sure has taken long enough to get over the pain and sadness and having to learn to trust people again. Like yesterday, I was going through an old cd case of mine and I found a note from her. Here is an excerpt:
"I've thought alot about you lately. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your friendship. It's so awesome to have a friend that I feel I can share anything with and bear my heart and soul to. You are a true reflection of Christ. I know you have a love for God & ministry - don't ever lose that ... I pray for for you all the time. You mean that much to me. I know you will always be a huge part of my life and I thank God for that. I don't know what future holds for us, but I know that if God is put first in our lives, He will lead us in the right direction."
Which is true...God has lead us away from each other and has lead her on to a husband and soul mate. I am very happy for her. I just wish we still were friends. I haven't seen or heard from her since January or February. She has moved away. But that is good and I am sure that God will lead her in His will for her life.
Well, it is getting late and I had better wrap this up. When I sat down to write, I didn't really know what I was going to write about. I guess I am just sort of bearing my mind and heart through this entry. If you read this, please pray for me. I feel like I need guidance right now. Not life altering guidance or anything...I just feel blah right now in life. I think I will go talk to God for a little while and see what He has to say to me.
Thanks for your time.
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: Life
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
God, My Provider (Jehovah Jireh)
Well, the past few days have been really uneventful.
Monday night was interesting (for a better choice of words). Please continue to pray for my family as we continue to struggle through a possible divorce. I really believe that mom and dad are trying at it (though i don't see any drastic changes, but subtle ones). Pray that their priorities will become God centered and then everything will fall in place.
We so often put God on the back burner of our lives. I am guilty of it at times. God is working on that with me (especially with the devotional I am now doing along with everyone else at Mountaintop). The past few days have been amazing in my walk with God. He has really spoken to me through His life-giving Word. I am thankful for His blessings in my life and my relationship with a real, loving Creator.
Tonight I join my brothers and sisters in Christ at Mountaintop in worshipping the Father. I cannot wait to see how God moves there tonight. It may be an ordinary Wednesday night, but I am praying that God will speak to someone's heart and that I can help minister to others. I am thankful for the call that God has placed on my life. I feel whole-heartedly that He is still calling me to vocational ministry through worship leading. He is reaffirming it daily by strengthening me to be the man He wants me to be.
Lord, I praise you for who you are. Thank you for saving me and calling me to lead a life devoted to you and to your church. Please be with my brothers and sisters at Mountaintop tonight as we come to seek your will for our lives and may your Holy Spirit speak to us tonight. Lord, I love you. Thank you for Jesus, and its in His name I pray. Amen.
It is so neat that God can speak to us through His word. As I was reading our first day's devotion, Genesis 1, I at first thought of how I knew this story and I doubted that I would get much from it. But I was wrong in doubting the awesome power of the Word of God that never returns void. As I read the scriptures, God began to speak to me through His word in a way that applied to my life, right here, right now. He really spoke to me in Genesis 1:29-30 ("Then God said, 'Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and hte small animals that scurry along the ground--everything that has life.' And that is what happened") and I began to think of how he provides for me just like he provided for us in His Creation. Not only did He give us life, but he provides for us even today. He has given me all i need, not necessarily what I want...which is GOOD! He really is Jehovah Jireh, My Provider!
To my fellow Mountaintopers that read this, if you have yet to get the devotional book and use it in your daily devotion, you are really missing out. Go by Harvest and pick up a copy TODAY and see what God has to tell you.
God is AWESOME!!
Posted by
8:40 AM
Labels: God
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Messages From God
This weekend was good. I got to hang out with some friends that I haven't seen in a while. Friday, Jan and I went over to the Galleria and Patton Creek. Cambridge was especially delicious. Saturday, Scott and I hung out in Trussvegas. We visited the new shopping center there (which is cool). This morning I had to sing at church, so I had to be there early. I am excited about what God is doing at Mountaintop.
Speaking of Mountaintop, today started our "Messages From God" devotional book. We are corporately as a whole church going to read the same passages of scripture and study them together and see how God speaks to each of us through his Word. God is awesome! He spoke to me today when I had my devotion time. Today's passage was Genesis 1 and God revealed to me that He alone is My Provider, Jehovah Jireh. He provides for all of my needs. Out of everything God created in His Creation, I (we) alone are the one in whom He created in His image. He delights in us, His Creation.
Well, it is getting late and I am tired and have class at 8 in the morning. So I think I will retire for the evening. I always enjoy comments
Posted by
8:52 PM
Labels: Life
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Family Dynamics
The past week has been good...i guess. I have news. Mom and Dad are going at least now living in the same house together. They are going to try it for 3 months and see if it works. I think this is better than they doing what they were doing with one parent at home one week and the other home the next week. Things are not over yet. Please continue to lift my family up in your prayers.
On another note, other areas of my life are ok...for the most part. Things at Mountaintop are AMAZING!! I am so glad that I am a part of a church that not only meets my needs, but Mountaintop is also a seeker-sensitive church for the unchurched. And they truely care about the unchurched. Almost every Sunday, new believers are baptized and welcomed into the family of God. I have spiritually grown since I joined Mountaintop. I love serving on the Praise Team and in the 18-20somethings Ministry at Mountaintop. So here are a few things that I want to pass along to you, my avid bloggers.
Upcoming Events at Mountaintop Community Church:
Starting on Sunday, October 8, Bill Elder, Senior Pastor at Mountaintop, will begin a new series designed to get to the tough issues families face... and begin fixing them! Join us Sunday at 9:00 or 11:00am for Service. For more information, visit here.

Beginning in October on the second Saturday of each month, The House of Brews coffee house will HAPPEN! Starting at 8 - midnight at Mountaintop Community Church, for only a $5 cover charge you can chill at the House of Brews. Where else can you go on a Saturday night for only $5 and get to see a hot band play in a white table cloth candle-lit setting overlooking beautiful Vestavia Hills from atop the mountain... ps. food and drink are free once in the door
Ok, I guess this entry will do for now.
OH!! I am now using my Facebook more often. EVERYONE SHOULD GET ONE! Especially you JSCC students. Later peeps!
Posted by
11:28 PM
Labels: Church
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
So Many Books, So Little Time
I recently have stumbled upon many a book that I would like to read. So I am compiling a list of those books that I hope to finish within the year. So here it is:
Brian's Book List: The 2006 Edition
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller (click here to read a review by Paul Podraza, Media Director at Mountaintop Church)
The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
He's Been Faithful by Carol Cymbala
Everything Twentys
Wild at Heart by John Eldridge
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
i am not but i know I AM by Louie Giglio
Praise Habit by David Crowder
Emerging Worship by Dan Kimball
Wired - For A Life of Worship by Louie Giglio
Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus
Ok, this will do now for the first draft. It is getting LATE, and I am tired. Goodnight all! Please read and comment. Thanx!
Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: Books
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Worship...so much more than music...
I have also been wanting to write about this for some time now. As Christians, worship is the center of all we do. It is sooooooo much more than singing. As a singer, I sometimes forget this, but God is always faithful and reminds me that He desires more than my voice. He desires/wants/deserves my ALL.
I recently bought a book that is geared towards 18-20somethings (lol...its a Mountaintop term). In the book, it discusses worship (I really like the way it describes it). Here are some things about worship from the book that I think EVERYONE should know (its not just for 18-20somethings):
Keyword: WORSHIP
"Worship is so often misunderstood. There's way too much mystery surrounding something that is completely central to our Christian experience. Scripture teaches us that geunine worhsip is balanced by two things: spirit and truth. John 4:1-26 gives an account of Jesus talking with a woman beside a well. While visiting with this woman, Jesus reveals the two things that balance worship: 'True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worhsipers' (John 4:23 NASB)."
"We worship in sprit. Worship is not an intense set of mental gymnastics. It's an authentic experience with God. It's as real as two people sitting down over a cup of coffee [comment: tea preferably...will they have Passion Tea in Heaven??] and sharing the deepest parts of their hearts with each other. They each give part of themselve away and they each take somthing of the other away when they leave."
"Not only do we walk away from worhsip with deep personal benefits, but we also experience corporate benefits from worship. Worshipping with others gives us a unique connection with our brothers and sisters in Christ. And it keeps the church focused on God's love and purposes."
"Jesus said that we will worship God in truth. We focus our worship on the things the Bible tells us that Jesus did while he was on earth--his birth, life, death and burial, resurrection, and return to heaven. Jesus is always the subject and the object of our worship."
"Worship exposes who we really are to the purity and perfection of God. It makes us vulnerable. In this exposed position, God gently and lovingly shapes our character [comment: something Bill (my pastor) is teaching a sermon series on]. He [God] changes us on the inside so our behavior can also change."
"Worship connects us to the person of God. It intensifies our intimacy with Him. It places us in direct contact with the Creator and giver of life. In our worhship connection, we will experience firsthand the presence of God."
My comments:
So many times we get caught up in trifles concerning worship. Should worship music be upbeat or slow? Can we raise our hands and dance in the aisles, or should we be more reserved? Is genuine worship supposed to feel a certain way? How will we know when we have truly worshipped?--When we worship the Father in spirit and in truth. That is when we have genuinely worshipped our Creator.
Posted by
10:57 PM
Labels: Worship
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
All About Some Passion
Ok, so I have been wanting to write this blog for sometime. I really don't know why I am writing about these three Passions of mine, but I am, so bear with me please.
There are three Passions in my life that I am soo grateful for. 3 Passions I love and think of often.
The first Passion that I am passionate about is Christ's Passion for us, his creation. His Passion typically refers to his crucifixion and resurrection. I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR HIS PASSION. I therefore want to be passionate about spreading the news of His Passion for all to hear and believe. There are many things I could write about His passion, but to do so, there wouldn't be enough volumes to contain it. His Passion brings life to all who believe and receive the grace that His Passion gives. It is life giving and life sustaining. We as Christians should be passionate about His Passion.
The second Passion I am passionate about is the Passion Conference. Passion has been around since 1997 with a desire to see spiritual awakening come to the college campuses of the nation and the world. Passion exists to glorify God, uniting students in worship and prayer for spiritual awakening in this generation. From the beginning Passion has been rooted in the confession of Isaiah 26:8: Yes Lord, walking in the way of Your truth we wait eagerly for You, for Your name and renown are the desire of our souls. As a result, Passion seeks to gather college and university students across the nation and around the world to seek the face of God, asking Him to ignite in our souls a passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ and a desire to spread His fame to everyone on earth. It is an awesome conference which I hope to attend again.
And finally, the third Passion that I am passionate about is Tazo's Passion Tea. It is my favorite tea so far. Susan Cook introduced me to this wonderful, delicious tea. It is both our favorites. "One sip of Passion tea brings a luscious explosion of flavorful hibiscus, subtle citrus, tart rose hips and a kiss of mango and passion fruit" --- taken from http://www.tazo.com/. If you are into hot tea, then Passion is one you don't want to miss!
Well, I believe that will do for now. I have to get to class (my first one was cancelled). Ugh...I do not want to go to Dr. Armstrong's class. Anywho...I expect many comments on this blog entry. I hope I get some at least. Later gators!
Posted by
10:56 PM
Labels: Passion
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
No More Sad Songs
I HAVE SOOO BEEN WANTING TO UPDATE THIS THING FOR SOME TIME NOW. I just haven't had time. But it is midnight and now I have time.
So today was surprisingly good. I was up late last night ::i'm starting to see a recurring pattern here:: preparing for an essay I wrote this morning in American Lit. I think I did well in my opinion. I wrote on three of the five Calvinistic principles as illustrated in the writings of John Winthrop, Anne Bradstreet, and Edward Taylor. Of the five Calvinistic principles (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable Grace, Perseverance of the Saints) I chose Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, and Perseverance of the Saints to discuss. Fun Stuff.
Since Dr. Armstrong is out of town for the week at some conference, I went upstairs at the BD building to see Ms. Hall and I chatted with her for a little while. Afterwards, I left the campus and headed toward home.
I decided to, instead of going home, go to Memaw's house to visit her (I try to do this frequenly). We talked for a little while and she asked if I had any plans for lunch and i said no, so then she proceeds to tell me to come with her and we got in the car and went on an excursion. We went out to Hayden (out past Corner School...if anybody knows where that is) to a fairly new family style restaurant called The Restaurant at Campbell's Field (click here to read a review about it and get directions). I was very impressed with it although it was a countryish restaurant. After lunch we arrived back in Mount Olive just in enough time for me to run home and get ready for work.
I then went to work from 1-close at Family. I worked with Tiffany and Kim tonight and we finished the remainder of the sales setup (except for the kids section). Today wasnt that fast of a day at the Fam. After work, I left the store and came home and ate a Tuna Salad sandwich which was in the fridge (thanks Mom!) and came in here to rest and watch tv and get on myspace. Since then I have been talking to Jeremy, Stephanie, Brooke, and Rach and all the while I was talking to them I was meaning to update my blog, which I am doing now. THERE! This is pretty much my day for today.
I now am about to get off of myspace and straighten up my room and go to bed and contemplate what I am going to post tomorrow (hopefully). I have been wanting to write a blog about Passion recently. So hopefully, since I am off from work tomorrow, I will get a chance to write this blog. By the way, I am free tomorrow if anyone wants to hang out. Call me up. The only other plans I have for tomorrow is Praise Team Rehearsal tomorrow night at 7ish. Well, goodnight all. I hope I get some comments on this rare blog (yes, it is rare because it is pretty thorough and concise...well, it is a bit random also). Anywho, I'm out for now.
Later Gators!
Posted by
12:34 AM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Recentials and Rememberances
(previously posted on Myspace)
Ok, here is an update on my life right now.
GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! He has graciously supplied my needs although I am unworthy.
I got the job at Chic-Fil-A in Gardendale. My last day at Wal-Mart is this Friday (TOMORROW!!!). In fact, this Saturday at CFA, I get the honor to be the COW for CFA's 2nd Birthday! So if you are out and about in G'dale on Saturday from 11-1ish, come by and DON'T torment me.
Last night at Mountaintop, we had communion. It was unlike anything I had ever done. It was very worshipful and it will be something I will remember. I really love that church. I am going to join in May and in April I have an audition for their (awesome) Praise Team! I think my parents and I have finally come to an understanding about church. I think they have realized that I am grown up enough that I need to start making my own choices and follow through no matter what the consequences. I just hope that they trust that God will direct me in the choices I make.
Thanks for your prayers and advice recently. It just seems that things are going well right now. I mean nothing is perfect, but they are a heck of a lot better than they were.
I also wanted to share with everyone one of my new favorite quotes. My high school choir director wrote this to me in my yearbook (it is actually her quote!).
"Music is uplifting, inspiring, fun & challenging, but if done beautifully, there is no greater reward." - Margaret Heron
I have recently published a podcast incase anybody wants to hear something cool. It is a song that I really like right now called "Bend My Knee" by Mountaintop's Praise Team. Check it out at http://clickcaster.com/bdmtop1 and let me know what you think. [Tip for the wise: when listening to the podcast, turn your speakers down low while i'm talking and then after i finish talking you can turn them up to hear the song].
Thanks and Enjoy!
Posted by
2:49 PM
Labels: Life
Friday, March 24, 2006
A Tribute...to Amber
(posted previously on LiveJournal)
This is probably going to seem really cheezy, but here is a tribute entry. This goes to Amber, the most beautiful girl I know. Amber, I love you and I am praying for you. I will try to call you soon and maybe we can hang out sometime soon if you are up to it. I hope all is well with you and I pray that God richly blesses you in all you do. You are one of the strongest persons I know and you are very special to me. I cherish our friendship (even though I have been a bum lately and havent talked to you or come and seen you...I am truly sorry). But anywho, Here are some pictures that I hope you will enjoy. I was going through my pics the other day and came across these.
Here is to you.
A pic of us at MJHS in the choir room. I will always remember our fun times we had with Mrs. Heron and the rest of the Chamber Choir.
The infamous blanket. Ha ha, you would always lie in the floor with your blanket. And then I would put your purse on you. Oh goodness...
You are always beautiful.
I hope Daniel will not kill me for posting this picture. :P
You are so pretty. Ok, I know you think i'm weird...lol
This is one of my favorites by far because of all the fun times we had in Britishland...I mean Canada. (btw...thats an inside joke in case you are wondering)
Well, sadly, I must end this post. I hope to post again sometime soon because I miss posting on LiveJournal and I miss getting alot of comments from peeps. There had better be comments on this entry about how much everyone loves Amber.
Until Then,
Posted by
12:26 AM
Labels: Tributes
Thursday, March 23, 2006
(previously posted on MySpace)
Well, since nobody posts comments on my Livejournal anymore, I think I am going to give blogging a try on Myspace. I FINALLY got some pictures from Passion '06. Passion was amazing and I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL PASSION '07!! Here are some pics that are from Passion. These were taken by Megan Baker.
Passion '06 was in Nashville, TN at the Gaylord Entertainment Center.
Me reading on the way to Nashville.
Megan and I doing a "Clint Pose" on the first day of Passion.
Jeremy and Lauren at Passion.
Passion Lead Worshippers (Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, and others)
The "MeganSpace" in Nashville
Jeremy, Lauren, and Misty at Passion
Lauren and I at Passion
CONSUMED at Joe's Crab Shack in Nashville
Lauren's "new" hairdoo...lol
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: Passion
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Remembering Passion
(previously posted on LiveJournal)
Wow, I cannot quit thinking about PASSION. I wish I were still there. It was an awesome experience and I highly recommend that any christian college aged student attend it. I will be going to Atlanta for Passion 2007. I have been listening to my session cds from Passion. I have two favorites right now. I like the "Passion, Purpose, and Designer Jeans" session by Louie Giglio and I also like Louie's "Indescribable" talk about the God of creation. It was amazing how God revealed himself to us at Passion and how he has comforted me since then. I really feel that I have grown closer to God because of what all happened at Passion. "OH PRAISE THE ONE WHO PAID MY DEBT AND RAISED THIS LIFE UP FROM THE DEAD!!"
By the way, for those of you interested, check out the Passion blog (http://www.268blog.com/) and the Passion website (http://www.268generation.com/).
Well, I think that this will do for now. I had better hear from you guys, I need some comments. It makes my day better.
Later Peeps!
Posted by
12:02 AM
Labels: Passion
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
(previously posted on MySpace)
I think I am going to diversify my blogging assets. Today I started a Blogger so PERHAPS I can stay connected with my UAB Choir friends since they mainly blog on there. I will still blog on here mainly because I like the response I get on here. What I will do with my other blog is repost blogs I do on here or post pics or something. I will let ya'll know when I do so. Ok, so on Technorati, I am claiming this blog as one of mine so ppl who search for it on Technorati can find this blog. I also subscribed to UAB Choir's blog on Bloglines. Just thought I'd let ya'll know.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: Blogging
At The End of The Day
Do I really need another blog? I've got a MySpace, a LiveJournal, and now this thing. I also have a website (http://www.briandenton.net). Well, I might use this thing to repost some other important blogs from my other ones. See, my UAB Choir friends have bloggers and other ppl I know have Myspaces or Facebooks, so I've got to find a medium to where I can connect with ppl. Oh well, expect to see previous blogs for a little while on this blog until I find which blog I am most comfortable with. Laterz!
Posted by
8:28 PM
Labels: Blogging