Thursday, March 23, 2006


(previously posted on MySpace)

Well, since nobody posts comments on my Livejournal anymore, I think I am going to give blogging a try on Myspace. I FINALLY got some pictures from Passion '06. Passion was amazing and I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL PASSION '07!! Here are some pics that are from Passion. These were taken by Megan Baker.

Passion '06 was in Nashville, TN at the Gaylord Entertainment Center.

Me reading on the way to Nashville.

Megan and I doing a "Clint Pose" on the first day of Passion.

Jeremy and Lauren at Passion.

Passion Lead Worshippers (Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, and others)

The "MeganSpace" in Nashville

Jeremy, Lauren, and Misty at Passion

Lauren and I at Passion

CONSUMED at Joe's Crab Shack in Nashville

Lauren's "new"


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