Saturday, January 16, 2010

"This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force."

I believe that it is time for me to get back into blogging. As if I need another medium to express myself...

However, this time I hope to update it more frequently (and preferably with more enriching content). Still, I'm not making any huge promises...

A few interesting things you might like:
  • I shamelessly use elipses... There! Did you see it?
  • "Ain't that neat? I wonder if that's Mister Ed. I loved him. Did he die?"
  • I used to be a Power Rangers fanatic. I still secretly wish I could go up to the attic at my house and get out all of those toys and play with them. Wasn't life much more simple as a child?
  • A Thesaurus is an excellent contrivance when trying to resonate in an impeccably articulate manner.
Okay, enough for now.