Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ok, so now it feels like Summertime to me. School worries are over for now at least. Although I can't wait to go to UAB Orientation and register for classes there. I hope to take a class with Janna this Fall. That will be fun. Who knows, maybe we can do observations together (although that might not work out because she is an English major and I am a Music major...oh well). So I found out today that Mom is going to be able to get a good amount of $$ for college today. THAT EXCITES ME!!!

So yesterday I auditioned for Oklahoma! at the Gardendale Civic Center. My audition went very well and they are posting the cast list this Friday. I kinda would like to be the character Ali Hakim, the peddler. That would be just fun.

Well, aside from working, my summer has been very uneventful. But hopefully things will start happening...preferably good things.

Later peeps!

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